Streaming: why is the music industry unhappy with YouTube (and others)? What is VEVO?
According to an article from the verge.com YouTube claims that it has paid $3 billion to the music industry.
However there is the constant struggle and battle of whether they should be paying more. The music from the music industry are the ones that helped YouTube become famous in the first place after it was first founded in February 2005. This is when VEVO comes into the picture. VEVO stands for Video Evolution and consists of the music videos that are owned by Sony Music Entertainment and the Universal Music Group. YouTube hosts several VEVO music videos and VEVO is therefore sharing their advertising revenue, and have been able to find an agreement with YouTube.

Digitisation and web
2.0: how have these caused ‘disruption’ within the industry?

The change in technology has also had a huge impact on the music industry. It has developed from vinyl's right on to the discman and the MP3 player, up to the first version of the I-Pod and now several people are listening to their music via their Smartphone, by streaming it from YouTube or using free apps such as SoundCloud and/or Spotify.

However, technology has also has positive aspects, such as the fact that several people that are now
famous have become known through YouTube. A great example of this is the case of Justin Bieber. He was first discovered on Youtube at the age of 13/14 and is today a very big popstar. Another case is the one of Christina Grimmie, who became famous on YouTube and through her many followers and fans decided to enter the Voice competition, where she had her major breakthrough.
Piracy: what are the figures and arguments on both sides? Do the industry exaggerate the revenues lost? Do your peers tend to engage in piracy? What are the consequences?
A major issue with the streaming from YouTube is that it belongs under the category of piracy. Music piracy is the copying of copies of pieces of music for which the artist or the copyright-holding company does not receive any money and does not give permission. This is ofcourse also a contributor to the decrease of the money the different artists are earning in the music industry. Streaming services such as Spotify have been a great help to decrease the amount of users pirating music. Spotify is a free music service that allows users to listen to music without paying. However, it doesn't allow users to buy the music. So how does it earn it's money? By getting money from the users who subscribe and get the membership.
How and why is vinyl making a comeback?

According to an article from the guardian, however, vinyl still only represents 2% of the music industry. According to the article "Vinyl still remains a niche product, accounting for just 2% of the UK's recorded music market."
To what extent have
physical media sales dropped? Do streaming revenues make up for this?
According to an article from the guardian the music store HMV (His Master's Voice) renewed and went into the video game market due to a decrease in physical media sales. According to an article from techcrunch streaming services grew to 317 billion song streams in 2015, which was the double from 2014 where 164.5 billion songs were streamed from streaming services.
During the last couple of years physical media sales have dropped significantly, meaning that not many people want to buy CD's anymore.

During the last couple of years physical media sales have dropped significantly, meaning that not many people want to buy CD's anymore.