In this post I will go into a lot of detail on the analysis of the links lists and comment on the design of the banner at the top of the website.
There are 6 top links lists in this website. This amount should be the absolute limit of links lists and there shouldn't be more on our personal websites for our bands, because it will be too much for the audience to keep an overview and also for ourselves
In case you want to have more than 6, you can do a drop-down list. For example on the Adam Ant website there is a drop down list on the features links list.
One of the links lists includes home, which is a main links list that you should always have, because it allows the audience to always go back to where they started.
The merchandise links list is an absolute must! It wouldn't have to be called merchandise but could also have the name "shop", "store"etc.
The forum is what usually allows the audience to follow the band/artist that they like. It is also often used in order for fans to have discussions among eachother. For example, discussing the new song that the artist has brought out. However, nowadays the new websites might have taken the forum away, because social media is used more, where the fans can have discussions in the comment area and can follow the band/artist very quickly because they get notifications on their smartphone every time the band/artist posts something on their social media.
The banner is very important, because it should be a link into the latest album and the digipack of the band. This banner is a bad example and this is definitely not how it should look.
This banner is only on the Adam Ant net website, and not on the adam ant com website, which makes the adam ant com website look a bit better. It is not entirely clear why there have been created two different websites for Adam Ant. It could be because one of them is addressing the UK more and the other one is addressing the US more.
Looking on the right there are the links with the idents of Adam Ants social media such as Facebook, Twitter, his YouTube channel and a link to the apple music on iTunes.
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